MUDr. František Šafránek

MUDr. František Šafránek

Po absolvování 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy začal v r. 2010 pracovat na očním oddělení Klaudiánovy nemocnice v Mladé Boleslavi. V roce 2015 složil atestační zkoušku v oboru oftalmologie. V roce 2019 pak získal licenci pro výkon funkce vedoucího lékaře a primáře. Od listopadu 2019 pracuje na oční klinice Gemini v Průhonicích, kde působí jako zástupce primáře. Zabývá se nejraději chirurgií předního a zadního segmentu oka a širokou diferenciální diagnostikou napříč všemi oftalmologickými subspecializacemi.

Curicullum vitae

Professional experience
2008-2009 university stay at general ophthalmology, Clinic of Ophthalmology, Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze, Czech Rep.

2009-2010 university course of neuroophthalmology, Clinic of Ophthalmology, Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze, Czech Rep.

2010 – 2015 residency at Department of Ophthalmology, Oblastní nemocnice Mladá Boleslav, Czech Rep.

11/2013 intensive course of cataract surgery – Kataraktová škola, Benice, Czech Rep.

6-7/2015 observership at Corneal and External Disease, Vitreoretinal and Cataract services, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK

2015 2019 fellow/consultant (cataract surgery, general ophthalmology) at Department of Ophthalmology, Oblastní nemocnice Mladá Boleslav, Czech Rep.

4/2018 OMI Salzburg Medical Seminar – Ophthalmology

10/2019 observership at Glaucoma and Strabismus and Paediatrics services, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK

11/2019 – present fellow/consultant (cataract surgery, general ophthalmology) at Gemini oční klinika, Průhonice, Czech Republic

1995 – 2003 Gymnázium Jiřího z Poděbrad, Poděbrady (secondary school)

2003-2010 First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague – study programme General Medicine finished by graduation

2005 – masseur licence

2006-2007 study stay at Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am
Main, Germany, Erasmus/Lifelong Learning Programme, 10 months

2008 study stay at La Rabta hospital, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Tunisia, 1 month

2015 e-poster at SOE Congress in Wienna – chosen as one of the best for travel grant from Česká oftalmologická společnost, topic: Progressive vision loss on the basis of craniopharyngioma masked by present macular pathology

2017 best of e-posters in Neuro-ophthalmology, Electrophysiology at SOE Congress in Barcelona – selected for oral presentation, also chosen as one of the best for travel grant from Česká oftalmologická společnost, topic: Extraocular muscles dysfunction with clinical characteristics of trochlear respectively complete oclumotor palsy in two different patients after herpes zoster ophthalmicus

2/2018 launched website

6/2019 e-poster at SOE Congress in Nice – chosen as one of the best for travel grant from Česká oftalmologická společnost, topic: Use of modern materials in a treatment of the eyelid necrosis

Language skills
Czech – mother tongue
English – fluent – both verbal and written (B2)
German – good (B1)
Italian – basic (A1)

Other skills
PC (common user, webmaster), driving licence, glider pilot licence

ophthalmology, beekeeping, music (playing the piano), gliding, sport (swimming, ice hockey, skiing, scuba diving, judo, kanoe), scouting, cooking, traveling

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